website hosting & Maintenance

With a little help from my friends

Websites perform better and last longer when they are maintained and looked after.
Here are some options for website hosting bundled with several options of maintenance. 


For tiny websites
$ 47 Monthly + GST
  • Web hosting on private server
  • Automated software updates* & backups
  • Alert based fix (no overall testing)
  • Anti-spam protection
  • Premium licence access*
  • SSL Certificate


We've got your basics covered
$ 87 Monthly + GST
  • Web hosting on private server
  • Regular software updates* & backups
  • Post update testing
  • Anti-spam protection
  • Premium licence access*
  • SSL Certificate


All Essentials with some extras
$ 179 Monthly + GST
  • Web hosting on private server
  • Regular software updates* & backups
  • Post update testing
  • Anti-spam protection
  • Premium licence access*
  • SSL Certificate
  • 1h of any changes, updates, or troubleshooting
  • 1h of general support

Web + Everything

Keeping everything in one place
Custom Monthly + GST
  • Web hosting on private server
  • Regular software updates* & backups
  • Post update testing
  • Anti-spam protection
  • Premium licence access*
  • SSL Certificate
  • Marketing support for your business

Domain Names + Hosting

Every website requires a domain name and web hosting. We offer these services to our clients at minimal cost. Our Web Server is located in Adelaide. It’s win-win. You get quality, discounted services and we can ensure you’re on a quality host, with quality support and we don’t need to spend hours on hold trying to explain things to people in other countries.

CMS Platforms

We work with the two leading Content Management Systems  in the world – Joomla! and WordPress. If you ask 4 specialists which one is better, you will get 5 opinions. That’s why we look at each project individually and make a decision which one to go with depending on a range of criteria. If you have a preferred platform, let us know.


You will never need to submit a support ticket. Ever. 

Just call us (or send an email) and we will help you out.

We keep things simple and personal. So you will always be dealing with the same small team of people who know their stuff.